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Dogs for sale,The domesticated wolf’s ancestor is the dog (Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris). The dog, sometimes known as the domestic dog, is the closest living relative of the extinct Pleistocene wolves from whom it descended. Prior to the advent of agriculture, around 15,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers tamed dogs as the first species. Dogs have become numerous domestic animals as a result of their long contact with humans, and they have developed the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be insufficient for other canids.

Over thousands of years, the dog has been selectively selected for a variety of behaviors, sensory capacities, and morphological characteristics.[12] Dog breeds differ greatly in terms of appearance, size, and color. They serve a variety of functions for humans, including hunting, herding, and pulling loads, protection, aiding law enforcement and the military, company, treatment, and helping the disabled. Dogs have evolved to be particularly adaptable to human behavior over the ages, and research on the relationship between humans and canines is common.[13] They have earned the moniker “man’s best friend” due to their impact on human culture.


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